Berlin TV SERIES FESTIVAL, the renowned TV event celebrating the future of storytelling and tv culture, has unveiled the official nominations and exclusive screenings for its 8th Season. Taking place in Berlin, Germany, the festival will showcase top-notch TV series from over 50 countries (on-site + streaming) , reaffirming Berlin as the prime destination for a pure TV festival experience and promises an array of international, German, and exclusive premieres at Location Partner SAE Institute Berlin and streaming worldwide in partnership with streaming platform ARGO.
This year’s jury will be represented by German talents and international executives, highlighting the diverse storytelling potential and inclusion in Germany. Director and writer Nuray Şahin (“ Die Kunst, frei zu sein – Kreative im Exil ”, “Kültür für Deutschland”) , Director and writer Wesley Howard (“MADLEEN”), and Producer Arcadiy Golubovich (“A Hologram for the King”, “99 Homes”).